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Studies into the value future generations place on recorded memories

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

It’s no secret that, over time, the memories of the past tend to fade away. Whether it’s voices, faces, or stories, our recollections of the lives of our loved ones are all too often relegated to the annals of history. Thankfully, there’s Odyssea, a service that’s designed to help app users store their memories for future generations.

As a company that values memories, stories, and traditions, we’ve done our own research into the ways in which other organizations have explored what information and recorded memories are most cherished and prioritized by future generations. While we don’t claim to be experts on the subject, we do strongly believe that the findings of these studies are worth considering. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the studies that have been completed by other organizations.

In 2014, the University of Rochester conducted a study on this very subject, focusing on how participants rated various memories and how likely they were to pass those memories on to their own children. The results showed that, by far, the memories most likely to be shared and saved for future generations were those related to family vacations, holidays, birthdays, and special occasions. In fact, these memories were rated at an average of 76% much higher than any other type of memory that was included in the study.

In 2013, the University of Illinois did a study on how people share memories and pass them down. They found that, of the five most commonly shared types of memories family vacations, holidays, weddings, and birthdays. The study also showed that anniversaries, vacations, holidays, and birthdays were particularly memorable, with the average person rating them higher than other types of memories.

These two studies are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to figuring out what information and recorded memories future generations will care most about and put first. We will spend time researching the importance of today's memories and the inspiration they can have on the generations of tomorrow.

At Odyssea, we understand that the memories we make today will shape the lives of our children and grandchildren in the future. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping app users store their memories for future generations, whether it’s through photos, videos, audio recordings, and the written word. By keeping our memories safe for future generations, we can make sure that our stories will be told for many years to come.

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